Set up the prototype kit on an NHS England Windows laptop
If you have a Windows laptop issued by NHS England corporate IT, before you start any of the install guides you will need to:
- create a local folder in the right place for your code to work
- install the software that you need
1. Create a local folder for your prototypes
Within the root of your OneDrive create a new folder named DevWspace
This folder name is on an approved list so you can create virtual environments and execute scripts.
The path should look like this after you have created it:
"C:Users%username%OneDrive - NHSDevWspace"
Use this folder:
- for any prototypes that you make
- for any software for your kit that asks for a 'path' – ask a developer on your team if you need help
2. Install the software you need to use the kit
Go to the Company Portal application to install this software:
- Terminal
- Visual Studio Code
- Node.js and NPM
- Git for Windows
- Github Desktop
You may need to restart your computer to finish installing the software.
What to do next
After you have finished these steps you can continue to the install guide or the advanced install guide.