Passing data page to page
The kit stores data from all answers that users give in a prototype. This lets you use or show the answers later.
View an example of what passing data looks like in a prototype.
How to use
When a user answers questions, their answer is saved within the 'data' object using the name
attribute of the input.
For example, if you use this input to collect a user’s name:
{{ input({
label: {
text: "Full name"
id: "full-name",
name: "fullName"
}) }}
You can show what the user entered later on like this:
<p>{{ data.fullName }}</p>
Answers from checkboxes will appear with commas, like 'a,b,c'. To show them as a list, use a for
{% for condition in conditions %}
{% endfor %}
Showing answers in inputs
If a user goes back to a page where they entered data, they would expect to see the answer they gave.
Most inputs use the value
{{ input({
label: {
text: "Full name"
id: "full-name",
name: "fullName",
value: data.fullName
}) }}
For checkboxes and dates you need to use the values
option (plural) instead:
{{ checkboxes({
idPrefix: "conditions",
name: "conditions",
fieldset: {
legend: {
text: "Have you ever had any of these conditions?",
classes: "nhsuk-fieldset__legend--l",
isPageHeading: true
values: data.conditions,
hint: {
text: "Select all that apply"
items: [
value: "Asthma",
text: "Asthma"
value: "Cancer",
text: "Cancer"
value: "Lung disease",
text: "Lung disease"
value: "Diabetes",
text: "Diabetes"
Being able to set checkboxes and radios in this way was added in NHS Frontend version 9.2.0.
Clearing data
To clear the data, for example at the end of a user research session, ask the user to close their browser.